
As with most people working with animals, I have been around dogs (and other animals) all my life and my love for dogs is second to none.  

I lived in a remote part of the country as a child and our family dogs were my best friends.  I would disappear for hours with our dogs, neighbour's dogs, or any other dogs I happened across along the way.  

Down through the years I've had dogs of all shapes, sizes and breeds.  In my mind a true dog lover will accept all dogs, not just the fluffy cute ones.  

Rescue dogs are always given special consideration.  A good meal, a warm bed and respect is all that is required for them to give us unconditional love.  

Among my accolades are;

  • Dog Training Mentor with Ormonde College's Animal Care Course.
  • organising the 'Bark in the Park' in Kilkenny Castle grounds in 2012 and 2013. 
  • co-founder of the NDAI (National Dog Authority of Ireland)
  • co-founder of Kilkenny Dog Training Club 
  • compiled and implemented a training programme with Kilkenny Employment for Youth and Paws Dog Sanctuary in Mullinahone  (similar to Project Pooch, Oregon).

I worked for years at local club where I helped dogs who had mild to serious behavoural issues and as an Instructor in Obedience, Agility, Tracking, Flyball and other non-blood sports.  

My NFQ qualifications also allow me to train people to become dog trainers.

I am an advocate in Holistic and alternative methods and fully believe it has a place in our pets daily welfare, especially with regard to dietary requirements. The chemicals in today's foods have had an adverse affect on our four legged friends and dogs are now getting sick quicker and for longer and also have increased behavioural issues.  It's time to help Mother Nature put the balance back and give our pets a better and healthier life.